Pat Halverson

My love for nature began in childhood at our cabin on a Minnesota lake. Though I grew up in a Minneapolis suburb, my fondest memories are of those days spent on the dock trying to catch sunfish while watching turtles and frogs. As I got older I would row our fishing boat up the streams in the marsh that fed into or led from the lake. I enjoyed the plants and critters of the marsh. The peace of northern waters echoed with the call of loons and reflected the colors of the sky and the greens of the woods. 

In college I majored in Earth Science where I could study nature through the microscope, telescope and the strata of ancient rock. But, I felt the “call” of the Creator of such wonder and went into ministry. 

While I enjoyed art in high school it was not until well into middle age that I took my first oil painting workshop through the Left Bank Art League here in the Quad Cities. I have since taken many workshops and enjoy the camaraderie and energy of being with other artists. 

Painting is one way I bring together my two interests, love for the creation, and faith in the Creator. 


Pat's work on display at Nikulski Financial, Inc. includes the following: 

  • Silence, Lost Grove Lake
  • Autumn at Wild Cat Den